Ending Phone Calls Option for CalNet 2-Step on Jan 12

December 2, 2021

The University Information Security Office (ISO) is ending the use of telephone calls as an option for completing the CalNet 2-Step on January 12, 2022. Users will have to convert to a different verification option before then.

There are several alternatives available for completing 2-Step verification and you can set up multiple devices. In fact, ISO recommends that you enroll at least two verification devices.

2-Step Verification Options (click on the links for instructions):

A Simple Hardware Token is an option for people who do not have any of the other devices. It is a small plastic device that will produce a one-time code for you to enter into the 2-Step system when you click its red button. This device should last you several years. It will likely run out of batteries before it runs out of codes. It does have a keychain loop to allow you to better keep track of it.

If you would like a Simple Hardware Token, please email the Retirement Center at ucbrc@berkeley.edu and request one. We will register your token with ISO before mailing it to you so that when you receive it you can use it right away.

Pro Tip: Remember to check the "Remember Me for 30 Days" checkbox before you complete the 2-Step, so that you only have to complete 2-Step once a month. Learn more here.

If you are unable to use any of the methods listed above, please fill out the exception request form and the ISO office will review it and follow up with you. This form is reserved for people living with certain disabilities.

For more information on the 2-step verification process and how to troubleshoot common problems, visit the ISO CalNet 2-Step webpage and the FAQ page. or contact them at calnet2-stephelp@@berkeley.edu.