UC Retirees' Association at Berkeley (UCRAB)


The UC Retirees' Association at Berkeley (UCRAB) serves critically important functions to ensure that a level of benefits appropriate to retiree needs is maintained by campus and statewide University of California administrators. A strong and large association guarantees that voices and concerns are noticed.

The campus associations gain enormous leverage from being part of the Council of University of California Retiree Associations (CUCRA) and organizations like the Staff Assembly that represent members throughout the University of California system.

In addition to advocacy efforts, UCRAB offers luncheons, travel events, social gatherings, day trips to nearby attractions such as Monterey Bay Aquarium, Angel Island and Sonoma, and occasional longer trips by public transport to special locations such as Hearst Castle and Yosemite National Park.

Retirees are also encouraged to participate in group travel with the UC Retirees Travel program. You can sign up for their monthly email updates and webinars to stay up to date on their upcoming trips. You have many choices for group travel, but UC Retirees Travel offers an opportunity to travel with other retired faculty and staff from the 10 UC campuses and three national laboratories. We find that our travelers often share an instant camaraderie and similar approach to world travel because of our shared history working for the University of California.

By traveling on our escorted trips, you help to support CUCRA (Council of University of California Retirees Associations), a systemwide consortium of volunteer representatives from all the UC retiree associations. CUCRA represents retiree interests and advocates for retiree benefits in regular meetings with UC leadership. For example, CUCRA has been instrumental in establishing the UC Healthcare Facilitator program, maintaining UC contributions to retiree healthcare premiums, advocating for the establishment of campus-funded retirement centers, and encouraging campuses to offer retiree perks such as free or reduced parking and continued use of UC email. The UC Retirees Travel program helps CUCRA continue to be the voice for UC retired faculty and staff.


We are no longer collecting membership dues for UC Berkeley staff retirees. The board looked to the other retiree associations under the umbrella of the UC Berkeley Retirement Center (UCBRC). All three – UC Berkeley Emeriti Association (UCBEA), Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (EX-Ls) and President’s and Regents’ Retiree Association Advocacy (PARRA) – no longer collect dues payments, and all individuals who fall into an organization’s purview are considered members. Instead of dues, these three organizations depend on annual donations to sustain their operations. UCRAB is the last association to follow suit.

Effective July 1, 2021, all retired Berkeley staff and non-Senate academics are considered to be members of UCRAB and will no longer be required to pay dues. The By Laws have been revised to reflect this change. Questions regarding the change can be directed to UCRAB@berkeley.edu

Information on Association news and upcoming events is now included in the CenterExpress, the monthly electronic newsletter of the Berkeley Retirement Center. To be added to its mailing list, please email UCRAB@berkeley.edu

What Are UCRAB Member Benefits?

Direct benefits include:

  • newsletter with important information about University benefits, news about members, and other items of interest to retirees.
  • Social and Community Events:
    • Opportunities to connect with other retirees at luncheons, social gathering, and organized trips
    • Opportunities to serve the community through group volunteer events

See the UCRAB Events page for upcoming and past events

Click here to make a voluntary contribution. Your donation helps to support UCRAB learning and social events for retirees. Thank you for your ongoing support!

UC Retirees' Association at Berkeley logo

Renegade Retiree's Picnic 2024


Published four times per year and delivered to UCRAB members, the UCRAB News offers articles of interest to retirees and announces UCRAB luncheons and trips. Access the current and achived editions of the UCRAB Newsletter online.

UCRAB Events

Find details on upcoming events and the UCRAB Luncheon calendar on the UCRAB Events page.

Use our online Events Calendar to register for UCRAB Events.

Music on the Bay USS Potomac 2024

UCRAB Holiday Party 2024

Meet the UCRAB Board

Meet the volunteers who devote their time and energy to UC Retirees' Association at Berkeley.