Volunteer Expo Schedule and Program


We know from research as well as personal experience that volunteering provides a sense of purpose, strengthens social connections, and offers a pathway to continued service and to giving back

The UC Berkeley Retirement Center hosts the Expo "Connecting for Good" with the following three goals in mind: 

  • Educate our UC retireee community about the benefits of volunteering and provide guidance for those new to volunteering 
  • Identify opportunities to volunteer on campus and in the community 
  • Network and connect with community-based organizations from Alameda and Contra Costa Counties and San Francisco tabling at the event
Olders in conversation at conference

The expo with tabling organizations will be open during the two panels. Attendees can either participate in the panel discussion or browse the expo. We will email all who registered for the event a pre-Expo survey with an opportunity to submit questions for the panelists. 

Event Schedule
8:00am - 9:00amArrival and registrationCoffee, tea and snacks
9:15am - 9:30amWelcomeStephen Andrews and Cary Sweeney, UCB Retirement Center
9:30am - 10:15amKeynote speechAmy Yotopoulos
10:15am - 10:30amBreakBrowse Expo with tabling organizations
10:30am - 11:10amPanel "The Retiree Volunteer Experience"Browse Expo
11:10 - 11:30amBreakPick up box lunch
11:30am - 12:30pmPanel "The Volunteer Manager Perspective"Browse Expo
12:30pm - 2:00pmBrowse Expo
2:00pmEnd of event

Keynote Speaker Amy Yotopolous 

Amy Yotopoulos has three decades of experience in researching the aging mind and body, developing innovative new businesses focused on the senior market, and in leading direct service organizations and providing hands-on caregiving to mature elders. She has appeared as a speaker at TEDx San Francisco, and keynoted at international conferences, specializing in how our social connections lead to happier, healthier and longer lives. In addition to her previous roles at Stanford, AgeWave, and as CEO of Avenidas, she is currently a member of the Eskaton Board of Directors. Amy holds a BS in Psychology from Stanford University, and received both a MS in Gerontology and a Masters in Health Administration from the University of Southern California. 

Drawing from cutting-edge research on healthy longevity and social connections, Amy will address:

  • The many financial, physical and mental health benefits of participating in a strong social community.
  • The surprising value and joy that volunteering can bring.
  • Practical advice on the steps to take to keep your social network diverse and healthy and to continue to have a greater purpose in life.

 Read Amy's article "Three Reasons Why People Don't Volunteer And What Can Be Done About It." 

Amy Yotopoulos
Volunteer Coach w/kids

Panel 1: The Retiree Volunteer Experience 

Three retirees who are also volunteers talk about their reasons for and experience with volunteering, how they found a good match with their interests and advice for other retirees. 

Group of Intergenerational Volunteers

Panel 2: The Volunteer Manager Perspective

Volunteer managers from organizations tabling at the event will share how their organization utilizes volunteers, how they select, train and recognize volunteers, and tips for retirees interested in volunteering. 

Elizabeth (Liz) Halimah, member of the UC Berkeley Retirement Advisory Board and the organizing committee, will moderate the panels. 

UC Berkeley Retirees Share Why They Volunteer

Volunteering 3

Patti Owen, UCB Retiree and UCRAB Board Member

Volunteering Cullinane 2

Patrick Cullinane, UCB Retiree