UCB/UCSF Retiree Learning Series

The Retirement Center is excited to be partnering with the UCSF Retiree Association to offer a monthly learning series.

The programs will feature topics relevant to both medical and general interest, building upon the world-renowned expertise of UCSF and UC Berkeley. Information is added as it becomes available.

UCB-UCSFRA Learning Series

Below find information about upcoming webinars for Summer and Fall 2023.

Upcoming Events

Thank you for joining us at our Spring '24 events! Future events will be added here once confirmed. 


About the UCSFRA and UC Berkeley Learning Series:
The UCSF Retiree Association (UCSFRA) and the Berkeley Retirement Center are excited to partner up to offer a monthly learning series via Zoom. The programs will feature topics relevant to both medical and general interest, building upon the world-renowned expertise of UCSF and UC Berkeley.


UC Berkeley is committed to making its facilities, activities, and events accessible. To request accommodations for this event, please contact Camille Koué at ucbrc@berkeley.edu at least one week before the event date.

Long-Term Care Insurance, April 26, 2023

UCSF/UCB Retirees Learning Series: Long-Term Care Insurance

Summer Cooking Series Part II: Entrees, July 21, 2021

UCSF Retirees Association Cooking Series - Part II - Entrees

Muscle Loss in Older Adults, Kathy Bonacini, May 5, 2021

UCB/UCSF Retirees Learning Series: Physical Activity in Older Adults

HISTORY OF GOLDEN GATE PARK, Christopher Pollock, FEBRUARY 10, 2021

UCSFRA - History of Golden Gate Park - Christopher Pollock, Historian in Residence

oral health as we age, Sept 22, 2021

UCSF/UCB Retirees Learning Series: Oral Health and Aging

Summer Cooking Series Part I: Salads, June 9, 2021

UCSF/UCB Retirees Summer Cooking Series with Chef Lorraine (Part 1 of 3)


Designing for the Homeless

Past Webinars

Fall 2020 UCB-UCSFRA Learning Series

Below find information and recordings of past webinars

Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness to Heal Depression
Presented on December 9, 10:30 am to Noon (recording available soon)

Stuart Eisendrath, MD, resident alum, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences and former director of the UCSF Depression Center presented on harnessing the power of mindfulness meditation to heal depression, based on his 
book “When Antidepressants Aren’t Enough: Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness to Alleviate Depression.”  

Andreea Seritan, MD, professor of clinical psychiatry and interim director for Outpatient Geriatric Psychiatry at UCSF's Langley Porter Hospital and ClinicsThe triple challenge of COVID-19 pandemic, shelter-in-place, and historic wildfires brought to light the pressing need to build new and maintain our existing resilience skills and stay connected to each other, albeit through virtual platforms. During this program, participants will be able to identify individual resilience-enhancing strategies and ways to maintain their emotional wellness.
Presented October 13, 2020, Presentation Slides


UCSFRA and UC Berkeley Fall Learning Series: Resilience in Uncertain Times

Getting Dirty is Good at Any Age, Stephen Andrews, UCSFRA, Sept 2020

Getting Dirty is Good at Any Age

Stephen Andrews, Soil Scientist, Educator, and Natural Resources Specialist explores why soil, the most complex biological material on earth, is good for us and our health.
Presentation Slides includes suggested reading materials

Container Gardening, August 2020

Laurel Nagle, a Master Gardener
Learn how to grow almost anything in containers (no yard required)! Providing seasonal color to homes and businesses, container gardening is a fun way to develop your green thumb. Vegetables, flowers, even small trees can be easily grown with the right materials and techniques. Strategies for less-than-perfect environments and long-term maintenance, plus review some helpful resources.
Presented on August 19, 2020, Presentation Slides