Berkeley Emeriti Times, October 28, 2019

October 28, 2019

UC Berkeley Emeriti Association invites you .... all retirees welcome!

UC Berkeley Emeriti Association luncheon
Saturday, 11/2, Social Hour 11:00 am, lunch at noon, talk at 1:00 pm
Women's Faculty Club, $30 per person​

“Dickens, Transformist: The Victorian Novel and Evolution Before Darwin”
Ian Duncan, Professor & Florence Green Bixby Chair in English
Online registration or to register by phone call (510) 642-5461. To read more visit the UCBEA website at:

The UC Berkeley Emeriti Association’s Legacy Project aims to preserve the recollections and reflections of retired faculty members. Recently completed videos of Donald A. Riley and Robert Alter, are now ready for viewing online.Videos are produced by the UC Berkeley Emeriti Association, in collaboration with the UC Berkeley Retirement Center.

In Memoriam: Donald Friedman, Professor Emeritus of English, died on June 10, 2019. He is survived by his wife of sixty years, Stephanie, and his sons Elliot and Gabriel. There will be a memorial service for Professor Friedman at 2:00 pm on December 13, 2019, at the Women’s Faculty Club. For more information, please email  Obituary ​in the Wheeler Column