UCBRC Advisory Board

The UCBRC Advisory Board is made up of retiree representatives of each of UCBRC's affiliated retiree and emeriti associations. They meet five times a year to advise UCBRC on projects and programs.

Current Board Members

Stephen Andrews

Past Chair
Caroline Kane

UC Berkeley Emeriti Association
G Steven Martin
David Hollinger

University of California Retirees’ Association at Berkeley
Elise Woods
Patti Owen

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory EX-Ls
Howard Hatayama
Ben Feinberg

President’s and Regents’ Retirees Association -- UCOP
Jim Dolgonas
Bill Newton

UCB Faculty Welfare (FWEL) Academic Senate Committee
Keith Gilless

Sam Castaneda
Liz Halimah
Lisa Kala
Lynn Nakada
Michael Ray Trevino

Honorary Member
Marian Gade

UCBRC Director
Cary Sweeney

Ex Officio
Julianna Deardorff, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty