Emeriti Legacy Project

The Legacy Project is coordinated by a subcommittee of the UC Berkeley Emeriti Association Executive Committee (Professors Emeriti/ae Cathy Gallagher, Beth Burnside, Sheldon Zedeck, Chair) with administrative and technical support from the UCB Retirement Center.  

The UC Berkeley Emeriti Association’s Legacy Project aims to preserve the recollections and reflections of retired faculty members. 

Videos are produced by the UC Berkeley Emeriti Association, in collaboration with the UC Berkeley Retirement Center and StoryCenter (https://www.storycenter.org/), a Berkeley-based non-profit, and made possible by generous donations by retirees, campus departments and friends.  

Catherine Gallagher

Colleen Lye, UC Berkeley associate professor of English, interviews Catherine Gallagher, professor emerita of English Literature, in August 2018.  Video Link.


Stephen Glickman

Irving Zucker, UC Berkeley professor emeritus of Integrative Biology, interviews Stephen Glickman, professor emeritus of psychology and integrative biology, in August 2018.  Video Link.


William Lester

Robert Bergman, UC Berkeley professor emeritus of chemistry, interviews William Lester, Jr., professor emeritus of chemistry, in August 2018. Video Link


UCBEA Legacy Project: Al Riley

Steve Glickman, UC Berkeley professor emeritus of Psychology, interviews Al Riley, Professor Emeritus of Psychology in August 2019. Video LInk


Robert Alter

Ron Hendel, UC Berkeley professor of Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies, interviews Robert Alter, Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Comparative Literature in August 2019. Video Link.


Curriculum Vitae

Eleanor Swift

Kathryn Abrams, Herma Hill Kay Distinguished Professor of Law, interviews Eleanor Swift, Professor Emerita of Law in November 2019. Video Link


David Wake

Jim Patton, Professor Emeritus of Integrative Biology, interviews David Wake, also Professor Emeritus of Integrative Biology, in November 2019. Video link.


Carol Clover

Mark Sandberg, UC Berkeley Professor of Scandinavian and Film and Media interviews Carol Clover, Professor Emerita of Rhetoric, Comparative Literature, Film, and Scandinavian on September 22, 2022. Video link


Edwin M. Epstein

Sheldon Rothblatt, Professor Emeritus of History, UC Berkeley, interviews Edwin M. Epstein, Professor Emeritus in the Graduate School, International and Area Studies, Haas School of Business in October 2021. Video link.



Alex Zettl, Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School, Physics, interviews Marvin Cohen, University Professor of Physics, Professor Emeritus and Professor of the Graduate School in September 2022. 

Gordon Rausser

David Zilberman, Distinguished Professor and Robinson Chair, UC Berkeley Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Department, interviews Gordon C. Rausser, Professor Emeritus, Dean Emeritus, UC Berkeley College of Natural Resources in October 2022. Video link.


Robert Hass

Professsor Geoffrey O'Brien, UC Berkeley English Department, interviews Poet Laureate and UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus Robert Hass in February 2023.

Video link


Marvalee Wake 3

James Patton, Professor Emeritus, Integrative Biology and curator of mammals at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, interviews Marvalee Wake, Professor Emerita, Integrative Biology, in June 2023.

Video link


Judith Klinman

Judith Klinman Final

Professor Emeritus Paul Bartlett, Chemistry interviews Professor Emerita and Professor of the Graduate School Judith Klinman, Chemistry and Molecular & Cell Biology, in July 2023.

Video link


Meg Conkey

Meg Conkey

Ruth Tringham, Professor Emerita, Anthropology, interviews Meg Conkey, Professor Emerita, Anthropology, on March 10, 2023.

Video link
