There are three awards available for nominated Berkeley Emeriti (and you can self-nominate as well as have your colleagues submit nominations).
The Emeritus/a of the Year Award is determined by a committee of the UC Berkeley Emeriti Association. Accomplishments and contributions of a retired faculty member since retiring are the primary considerations for this award. Nominations are due in late January or early February each year. A call for nominations goes out to Departments and through the Academic Senate. The awardee is invited to present at a reception in the Fall, sponsored by the UCB Emeriti Association.
The Dickson Award winner(s) are selected by the Academic Senate. Edward A. Dickson served as a Regent of the University of California from 1913 to 1946, the longest tenure of any Regent. In 1955, Mr. Dickson presented the University with a gift endowment which enables each campus to make an annual $10,000 award recognizing teaching, research, or public service by one or more emeritus/a professors, or a salary stipend for emeriti professors on recall. The highest priority is for support of activities that benefit the campus and for which funding is not available from other sources. One nomination from each Department is considered and reviewed. The submission deadline is in the middle of December each year.
The Panunzio Awardees are nominated by each campus’ Academic Senate, and this systemwide award is decided by a committee at UCLA. Created by a bequest from Professor Constantine Panunzio of UC Los Angeles, the Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti Award honors outstanding scholarly work or educational service (e.g. service in professional, University, Academic Senate, emeriti, departmental, or editorial posts or committees) performed since retirement by a University of California emeritus or emerita in the humanities or social sciences. This award comes with a $5,000 prize in addition to the publicity surrounding the significance of the award. Nominations to the Berkeley Academic Senate are due by the end of January each year.