Emeriti Research Enabling Grants

Spring 2025 University of California, Berkeley Emeriti Association
Emeriti Research Enabling Grant (REG) Regulations

Application Deadline: 5 p.m. PT, Monday, March 31, 2025 

Eligibility and Restrictions:

  • All emeriti members of the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate are eligible to apply.
  • Emeriti faculty who have a funded research program, proceeds from an endowed chair, or other sources of funds exceeding $10,000 to support the proposed research, are ineligible to apply for a grant.
  • The maximum award amount is $1000.00; if applications received exceed the funds available, awards may be less than that.
  • Emeriti who received a grant in Fall of 2024 may apply but will be given only if qualified first time applicants for this academic year do not deplete funds.


Applications must be submitted online by 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday, March 31, 2025. Late applications will not be accepted. Click here to view the application form.

Description of Research:

Applicants must provide a descriptive title that clearly identifies the research to be supported by the funds requested. Vague or general titles, such as “support for a graduate student,” or “research in history,” are not acceptable and will be denied.


Within its budgetary constraints, UCBEA undertakes to support all REG applicants up to the $1,000.00 maximum provided that: the application is complete, complies with program requirements, and is submitted by the deadline. Applicants must demonstrate a record of scholarly and/or creative productivity during the past five (5) years. Applications should be submitted only if no other funding sources exceeding $10,000 are available for the proposed research.

Use of and Restrictions on the Use of UCBEA Funds - University and Campus Policies and Procedures:

Research must be conducted and funds expended in accordance with University and Berkeley campus policies and procedures. UCBEA funds are to be used solely for the proposed research as presented in the application and in accordance with UCBEA grant regulations.

In addition to requests for anticipated expenses, UCBEA will also consider requests for documented research expenses incurred after July 1, 2024 but prior to grant submission.

UCBEA funds may not be used to augment departmental supplies and expense budgets or curricular activities. The disallowed uses include but are not limited to: purchase of non-research specific equipment, e.g., telephones, cellular telephones; periodicals; office furniture; preparation of textbooks; and any costs associated with teaching or instruction. UCBEA will not fund charges for wireless services or other recurring monthly fees.

All books, films, equipment, etc. purchased with grant funds are the property of the University after they have served the grant holder's purpose.

Expendable Equipment & Supplies:

Research funds may be used to purchase expendable supplies and minor equipment including computers, software, and peripherals used to conduct the proposed research. UCBEA will consider well-documented requests to purchase, or on a short-term basis rent, special equipment to be used solely for research (please attach a note justifying this expenditure, if applicable).

Project Assistance:

UCBEA supports hiring undergraduate and graduate students on an hourly basis to provide them with opportunities to conduct research and hone their skills.
Research assistants should aid in, rather than substitute for, the scholarly work of the faculty member. Funds are not provided for salaried appointments of any kind, or any costs associated with tuition or fee remission.

Field and Travel Expenses:

Expenses incurred in conducting fieldwork, including research-related travel and subsistence, are permitted. REG funds may be used for travel to conferences and/or scholarly meetings (including presentation of research).


Financial assistance for publishing manuscripts is given only when the need is clearly established, and a faculty member has produced the work.

Memberships and Subscriptions:

Grants may be used for journal subscriptions and scholarly or professional organization dues.

Timing of Expense Reports:

Please submit expense reports for all travel and entertainment expenses in a timely manner. The IRS requires that travel or entertainment reimbursements not submitted within 60 day be subject to tax withholding on the reimbursement as imputed income. Imputed income does not apply to guests or students. Non-travel and non-entertainment reimbursements are not subject to the 60 day submission requirement. However, sound business practice calls for reimbursement requests to be submitted timely. This FAQ is for your review. 


UCBEA awards these grants to provide basic research support. Unless there is a compelling need to carry-forward funds into the next fiscal year, it is expected that the award be spent within twelve months of the grant transfer.

If you have other questions about this grant program, please contact UCBEA Awards Committee Chair, Caroline Kane, kanecm@berkeley.edu