Emeriti Faculty Mentoring Opportunity
Emeriti faculty have tremendous experience and knowledge about the University. To provide an opportunity for emeriti to remain engaged in the University and contribute to its mission, the University of California Berkeley Emeriti Association (UCBEA) is creating a list of emeriti faculty who agree to serve as mentors to students and regular faculty of all ranks.
Faculty may benefit from a mentor who can discuss a broad range of issues or a specific concern related to their progress and advancement. Faculty could identify appropriate listed emeriti to discuss issues in complete confidence. The emeriti mentor can be from any department or school and not necessarily from the requesting faculty member’s department.
Initially the list would be presented on the UCBEA website (through retirement.berkeley.edu), and emeriti faculty would be presented according to topics of “expertise.” If you are interested in being a student or faculty mentor, contact John Swartzberg for student mentoring (jes@berkeley.edu) or Shelly Zedeck for faculty mentoring (zedeck@berkeley.edu) who can sign you up in an area of interest to you.